I began my design career in 2013, and finding my passion in Graphic Design, I continued to study the field for the remainder of my high school years. I have a Bachelor of Graphic Design majoring in Web Design at the University of Canberra.

At the beginning of 2016 I completed two weeks of work experience with Rowdy Digital (previously known as Goosebumps) in Canberra and among multiple university assignments, I have also designed for two real clients including but not limited to branding and business cards.

One of the most influential experiences I have had to date includes a semester exchange to the University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. I lived and studied in the UK for a semester and had the opportunity to be taught, mentored and advised by renowned designers. This exchange helped me grow in a personal sense as well as enhancing my adaptability, decision making, independence and communication skills. This trip is an example of my perfectionism. I am constantly trying to perfect things in my life, including my work, and pushed myself far beyond my comfort zone for this exchange, reaching for both personal and design growth.

I have extensive enthusiasm for gaining experience and an intense willingness to learn. When it comes to design I have a particular passion in the field of Graphic Design and Web Design with additional hobbies including photography and illustration.

Link to CV