Corporate Gift Designs

The CBR Innovation Network is an initiative of the ACT Government, it is a unique collaboration between six world-class research and education institutes in the ACT who make up the foundation members: ANU, CSIRO, CIT, Data61, UC and UNSW Canberra.

For this brief, The Innovation Network asked for two innovative, custom-designed corporate gifts. We were to design one high-end gift of no more than $100 per item in manufacturing costs and one smaller gift of no more than $20 in manufacturing. The corporate gifts need to be innovative and distinctive, and should have the option to be displayed. The gifts had to represent both the Canberra Innovation Network and Canberra as a city.

For my high-end gift I designed a desk lamp inspired by one of the most iconic architectural buildings in Canberra.

My smaller gift was a coffee table game of noughts and crosses

This assignment required we make a functioning prototype and packaging for the gifts, to build both of mine I used mostly laser-cutting tools.